Bible Study

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A casual reading of the scriptures will definitely produce a casual
and carnal Christian life.

We must be diligent and dutiful in our approach to the Bible.
 If many applied the same approach with which they read their bible to
their academic pursuits or professional disciplines, what wholesome
and awesome failures they would turn out to be!
 Imagine if you read your school books out of context!
 Imagine a weekly 30-minute browse-through of your course notes, or
refusing to attend lectures and listening to your lecturers! Imagine
if you did the same with your career.
 We must approach the scriptures with a heart-felt, passionate,
never-give-up, dogged study in listening, reading, meditation and
eventually PRACTICE.
 Some cannot successfully quote from the bible they claim to have
believed to be saved!
 Some will quote it and do so without minding the pretext, post-text
and hence the ability to do so within context.
 It is rather shameful how we have been bombarded with "such and such
a Pastor said it, I believe it and that settles it”, rather than the
Bible clearly and in many portions says and this is TRUE!
 We must change. What is called a Christian is a believer, a professor
and doer of what is written and revealed in the scriptures.
 It is also criminal and saddening to find a preacher of the gospel
quote so little of the scriptures, rather referring to secular sources
as though they were as inspired or even more inspired than the
 Maybe if we applied the "sow sparingly, reap sparingly rule “often
used for money we would see the outcome of using little scriptures for
our sermons! Way back, you would find many scriptural references you
needed to remember as memory verses.
 Today, with the advent of technology (which can be positively used),
many have become lazy!
 We "punch" the scriptures and we get them easily, and many don't
bother to find out which part of scriptures the verse is, whether it’s
in the law, prophets etc.
 You can't punch that.
 You must study it after punching.
 This is in no way discouraging the use of devices, however in a world
where things are being made light and easy, the man of God must be
 Bible study is work and will remain so.
 Many have read through think and grow rich, rich dad, positive this,
positive that and the likes and are yet to read through any epistle of
Paul much less the WHOLE bible! SHAME.
 Don't "claim busy"! You just read through news magazines, fashion
tips, wedding planners, and party planners. You watched five 2-hour
movies last week.
 You visited with friends, family and stayed for hours gossiping etc.
 You engaged friends about national issues and stayed at it for hours,
read through tons of political gists, spent time on your BlackBerry
chatting and gossiping. Yet with God’s ONLY revelation to and for you-
THE BIBLE, your time doesn't permit its study.
 Don’t go on people’s walls on Facebook liking anything and everything
before they have read them, checked the scriptures and understood
 I have observed some have liked EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING.
 They have endorsed with their keypads things written by different
preachers even though they are contrary and contradictory.
 It shows a lack of seriousness.
 God's word isn't found in what tickles your ears or makes you cry and afraid.
 Rather it's WHAT POINTS TO CHRIST AND HIM ALONE and causes you to see
the beauty and glory of the finished redemptive work of Grace! Selah!
 I urge us that from now till December to have a plan to read through
the entire bible, spending double of such time in the New Testament,
which is where we live.
 Lest I forget, the scriptures aren't subject to opinions hence the
need to agree or disagree, rather it is for study to find out and
 In many of such studies you will discover areas you have believed
wrongly and affirm areas where you have believed rightly!
 This study involves reading, listening, meditating and much more -Practice!

Let’s give the Word our best days, times, moments and attitudes!
 Okay ?
 I call you blessed


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